As a premier LED sign supplier, we offer a wide range of LED Window Signs that are perfect for businesses of all types. Our scrolling signs are available in single-color options, including Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, and White. We also offer three-color options, such as Red-Green-Yellow and Red-Blue-Purple, as well as multi-color options that can display text in seven different colors.

For businesses that need a more advanced display, we offer super fine full-color video screens that range from 3mm to 10mm pixels. These screens are perfect for use in malls or other indoor settings where a high-resolution display is necessary. They can be used for a wide range of applications and offer seamless communication through USB and Wi-Fi connectivity.

Our LED Window Signs are designed to be user-friendly and easy to operate. You can send your message directly from your phone or iPad, whether you're using an Android or Apple device. This makes it easy to update your signage on the go and keep your customers informed about your latest offerings.

At LED Sign Supplier, we're committed to providing our customers with the highest quality LED Window Signs at competitive prices. We take pride in our workmanship and stand behind our products with a satisfaction guarantee. Whether you're looking for a simple scrolling sign or a full-color video display, we have the expertise and experience to create the perfect LED sign for your business.


Let’s chat about your LED sign needs. Don’t worry, there’s no hassles, no obligations and no sales pressure!


Contact us today!

Call: 716-462-9868
