Our innovative and stylish pylon designs are available in single pole, double pole, and tri-pole options. We also offer LED ground signs and pylon signs in any height you need. LED screens and EMCs have become an essential part of pylon signs, and many municipalities now allow up to 35% of the area for LED screens. Whether you need a new pylon sign for a new plaza or store or want to upgrade an existing one, we can help. We retrofit existing pylon signs by adding LED screens, and we create new pylons for schools, churches, auto shops, plazas, medical clinics, hospitals, car dealerships, car washes, gas stations, and more. We can also create custom designs to meet your specific needs. We offer a one-stop solution for design, engineering, stamping, city permits, concrete footing, and installation. Trust us to handle your pylon sign needs from start to finish.
Let’s chat about your LED sign needs. Don’t worry, there’s no hassles, no obligations and no sales pressure!

Contact us today!
Call: 716-462-9868